Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I Pledge...To Buy A Lexus

Okay, I'm really not planning to buy a Lexus, but I was trying to think of some clever way to tie two things together. Those two things are my brother's Best Buy commercial that I blogged about a couple of weeks ago, and my brother's NEW commercial that he booked today for Lexus!!!! Yippee! This is the best and most exciting news I've had all week!

For those of you who've been watching lots of sports on TV these days, you've probably seen several different Best Buy commercials with Eric's brief appearance, including at least one during game two of the World Series! The great thing about seeing several different verions of his commercial is that he gets paid each and every time we see him say "I pledge to set up your HD right." Hopefully soon, we'll get to see him on TV talking with a buddy about his Lexus!

Today when I was sharing Eric's exciting news with a friend at work, he asked me to send him a link to Eric's Best Buy commercial if I could find it online. I searched a little on YouTube with no success, so I just Googled "I pledge best buy commercial" and came up with a couple of pretty funny blog entries about the spots. I have no idea what either blog is about, so beware of offensive content, but one is called Where the Hell Was I? (which quotes Eric's line in the commerical verbatim) and the other is called The Pordcast (whatever that means). Both were pretty critical of Best Buy, but at least the commercials are generating some Internet buzz!


Randypants said...

He he. The Pordcast is the name of my Podcast. Its a mutation of podcast similar to the character 'Coach Z' from Home Star Runner.

kjl said...

Gotcha! Thanks for the clarification! I had never heard of Home Star Runner, but now that I have, I think I could spend my entire sick day watching 'toons on his website!