Friday, October 20, 2006

A Hairy Situation

The last couple of weeks, Celtic has been shedding excessively. It's very odd, because his light-colored undercoat is coming out in big chunks, just like it usually does in the spring as his body is preparing for summer. Last night while we were watching the game (yea Cardinals!) I decided to do some grooming, and here's what I ended up with after about 20 minutes. Yikes! It looks like we have a new small animal crawling around the house. I was baffled about why Celtic was losing so much hair at such an odd time of year, but then I realized--I've been complaining to Chad about the exact same thing. The last month or so, I feel like when I wash and comb out my hair in the morning, way more hair than normal seems to end up in my brush. My stylist didn't seem to be concerned, so I decided it must just be stress. Apparently, Celtic and I are both feeling stress as we continue to grieve the loss of his brother. We miss Steeler so much. Even though an entire month as gone by since his passing, there isn't an hour that goes by that I don't think about him. Celtic's hair problem makes me think that he must feel the same way. Thankfully, we have each other for support! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a crazy amount of hair. Having Celtic in the background really gives the perspective of how much hair is on the floor.