Monday, October 08, 2007

Hero of a Houseguest

On Thursday evening, we welcomed a special houseguest to our home--my dad Merl is here for a visit! A few months ago my dad called and asked us to think up a big home improvement project so that he could come help us with it. I assured my father that we'd love to have him come visit, but that he should come here to enjoy himself rather than to work. He insisted that he wanted to come help out with something sometime in October, since he was going to be in Kansas anyway for a college reunion and Hyllningsfest in Lindsborg.

To people who don't know him, it might seem a little odd that Dad would want to go on vacation just to do work. However, maybe if you know another restless retiree, you wouldn't think it that strange for my dad to want to be busy doing something productive during his retirement. Here's what makes my dad unique and slightly obsessive: my dad is coming to work at our house to get a break from his regular volunteer job. He normally spends 40-50 hours a week doing manual labor and supervising construction for Habitat for Humanity. Let me say that again: Dad volunteers 40+ hours a week. Now that's crazy...even for a work-a-holic!

Dad's craziness is definitely our gain. He's already put in hours of labor at our house, and most importantly, he's been loads of fun to hang out with! :)


Anonymous said...

We really enjoyed meeting your dad yesterday! Sounds like he can add potato baker to his list of skills too. ;) Enjoy the time together!

kjl said...

Hey--wait a second...I was actually the one who baked all the potatoes! I know it seems impossible since I don't normally do the cooking in our household! :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I retract my statement! :) I remember you saying he helped you test whether they were done...and I just assumed it was a team project throughout! Hmmmm...I think I could go for a potato right now...

Anonymous said...

Merl is amazing. If he's reading this right now, get back to work! Just kidding. Thank you for all your help!

Anonymous said...

Do you think you could talk him into staying for a few more projects????