Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Home With Hope

If you're my Facebook friend you might already know this, but we just got home with our sweet little conehead. She's a little unhappy about wearing her cone and is having a hard time getting comfortable, but overall she seems way more alert than after her first two surgeries!

It's been a very long day, as this morning I took our furry, four-legged daughter to KC at 6:45 a.m. Just before 9 a.m. they had called to say they were already putting her under anesthesia. At about 10:15 Dr. Layton called to say that the surgery had gone as planned and Hope was doing well. Dr. Layton felt good about the amount of tissue she took around the tumor and didn't think Hope's backside would really look that strange once she healed up. Hopefully the lab results next week will be good enough that we can put this whole round of cancer behind us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
