Monday, June 25, 2007

I Think We're Dead

Apparently this was all over the news a few weeks ago, but somehow I completely missed it until today when my friend Erin sent me this news clip. I thought it was pretty darn funny.

I have to say that while the 911 call made me laugh, the snorting reaction of the newswoman is what almost brought me to tears and made this worth sharing.

As I was looking for the video clip on YouTube, I found a full length clip of the 911 call, which contains a few other very funny moments, one of which involved the "victim" asking the dispatch operator the score of the Red Wings game. That's an odd thing to throw into the conversation when you think you're dying!

The other thing I happened across on YouTube was a hilarious "dramatization" that someone created, using the actual audio of the 911 call, much like the TV Funhouse "Fun with Real Audio" segments on SNL. Although the humor is a little more "adult" in nature, I still thought it was quite creative! If you're interested and have a few extra minutes, you can check it out here.

This story is not only good for a chuckle, but teaches a good lesson as well: don't get stoned and then make moronic phone calls to get yourself fired!

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