Sunday, June 24, 2007

Day of Beauty

Today was a very exciting day at the Luce household (uh, that's just a little joke). The first order of business after church and lunch was shaving Chad's head. He needed a haircut terribly, and he'd been wanting to get another buzz cut like he'd done last year around this time, so we finally got out the clippers and mowed it down. I should have taken before and after pictures, but I didn't remember to go grab the camera until we'd already gotten started! I thought this reverse mohawk was a good look for Chad.

Actually, I wasn't that excited about cutting Chad's hair super short again, but I think I must be more used to it this year, because I don't think the final product looks half bad!

Hope and Celtic went through through a little beautification today as well, as they endured their first bath of the summer. This is always a huge ordeal at our house since we don't have dogs who enjoy the water, but we managed to get everyone relatively clean. Celtic is such a hairy little guy his coat takes forever to dry, so I thought I'd take a couple of quick shots of our goofy looking wet dog.

Now that he's dry, he looks nice and fluffy, but it doesn't seem to have slowed down his summer shedding any!

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