Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Elation

Can I just say that I will be so glad when today is over? I am so tired of the hideously repulsive campaign ads that I could just spit. I think it was the staff of Good Morning America who reported that 81% of Democratic ads were negative and 91% of Republican ads were negative. I swear, it usually feels like we're voting for the lesser of two evils. What is it about becoming an elected official at the national level that turns you into scum? Okay, maybe I'm making sweeping generalizations here, but seriously, there have been far too many outrageous scandals in D.C. to call that place normal. The mere fact that at least one congressperson has suggested that the congressional page program be done away with because it's too big of a temptation for the senators and representatives is a perfect demonstration of the dementia which abounds in Washington. Clearly, many normal, decent people become completely insane when presented with too much power. Just ask Ted Haggard. Speaking of power problems and the page program, I thought this was an interesting related article, even though I know nothing about the person who wrote it except that his name is Sheldon Richman.

I will say that I didn't see a single ad for our incumbent Governor Kathleen Sebelius which even mentioned the name of her opponent, let alone in a negative light. Way to rise above the fray, Madame Governor! Of course, since most Kansans (including me) couldn't name the people she was running against, she probably didn't need many commercials at all--let alone negative ones!

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