Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Laughing At Myself

The day after we moved into our new home our wonderful friends Jake and Amber sent us this beautiful arrangement of flowers, complete with a "congratulations on your new home" balloon.

Isn't it lovely? Look at the lemons in the midst of the flowers--how cool! Jake and Amber are obviously awesome friends--thanks guys!

I'm blogging about the flowers a full month after the fact because last night Chad looked over in the corner of our kitchen and said, "Can we please throw that balloon away?" Yes, the balloon had been floating around in our house for an entire month. However, since I'm not one to throw away perfectly good helium, I insisted on putting the gas to good use.

I'll spare you from the three additional short videos of me saying other silly things, since I usually didn't succeed in completing a sentence because I started laughing so hard. Clearly, I crack myself up. I'll admit I was just a tad light-headed after sucking helium for several minutes, but hopefully I didn't kill too many brain cells in the process. It was worth it to be able to laugh at myself a little! :)


Anonymous said...

You are not the only one, but I am not laughing at myself...ya nut!! Hearing it was so funny. It was not wasted. luv you guys

Beth said...

I love it, Kim, that is awesome! How sweet are the Jamber?! That must've been such a pleasant surprise :) Keep up the high-talkin!