Saturday, September 01, 2007

Now That's A Big Twinkie

While not actually a Twinkie (I just felt compelled to use a classic movie quote), I did see an unusually large food item of another sort early this morning. For a change of scenery, my friend Amber and I started our 6 mile walk this morning at one of the local high schools. As we neared the end and looped back towards the building, we saw something strange on the horizon. "Is that a loaf of bread?" I asked, which seemed like a ridiculous question. As we got closer, we could see that it was, in fact, a giant loaf of Iron Kids bread, which is certainly not something you see every day!

Amber posed next to the monstrosity so that you could get a feel for how large it really was. They were blowing up some other giant structure as well, but since it wasn't fully inflated, we couldn't quite tell what it was going to be. It actually took us a couple of trips around the parking lot to figure out that they were having the Iron Kids Triathlon there, which is apparently being held tomorrow. There's certainly no question as to who the sponsor of the event is!


matt kirkland said...

Yes! Ten points for the Ghostbusters reference.

kjl said...

Yeah Matt!!! Chad told me know one would have any idea what I was talking about! We love it when other people care as much about movie quotes as we do. :)

Erin said...

Now this has nothing to do with nothing but when I read the movie quote, "Now that's a big twinkie" it made me think of another movie quote......"Did you see the size of that chicken?" I think I've only seen this movie once and I'm not sure why it popped into my head when reading the first quote. I think it's because I'm tired. Anyways, does anyone know what movie it's from?

James said...

I love coming upon giant loafs of bread!

That's really funny and strange.