You'd think that since I've been off work since Wednesday afternoon I would have been blogging up a storm the last few days. Instead, I've gotten more and more behind somehow. Despite the fact that we were on vacation, we managed to stay steadily busy with basketball games, a trip to the airport, engagements with friends and a couple of volunteer days at the shelter, among other things. Some of those "other things" that kept me otherwise occupied for about 4 of those 6 days were the 3rd and 4th books in the Twilight series. I think I started the 3rd one on Tuesday, and then finished it by about 2:30 a.m. on New Year's Day. I started the 4th at about 10 a.m. that same morning, and then finished it on Friday afternoon. I was completely obsessed, just like with the
first book! I swear I think I might have
OCD--at least when it comes to ridiculous fiction books and jigsaw puzzles. I have no self-control at all with those things! The really sad thing is, ever since I finished the last book on Friday I've had the urge to start reading it a second time. I have to admit I loved it!
I managed to fight off my reading urges over the weekend and instead spend some time at the shelter, where I have
almost gotten caught up with pictures of all the new dogs. Thankfully, on Saturday I had an assistant photographer who helped me take out all the pairs--my dear husband! Chad used to go to the shelter with me fairly frequently, but in the last several years he's instead stayed home on the weekends to do all the laundry and housecleaning and grocery shopping that most normal wives would probably be doing on their day off. It was so nice to have him there to help on Saturday, and he actually enjoyed the day as well since the weather was so unseasonably nice. I think the dogs enjoyed his company too.

Isn't that the sweetest? Little Betty the Bichon mix was obsessed with Chad almost as much as I'm obsessed with teenage vampire books!
I am the EXACT same way. I'm embarrassed to say that I've read the whole series twice and read Twilight and Midnight Sun a third time. It actually goes faster as you tend to skip over some parts plus, while it is still so good, it is a little easier to put down when you need to since you already know what's going to happen next. I think about the characters all the time....I'm 38 OBSESSED with a teenager girl's book......
now aren't y'all glad I pushed you to read the books! I'm still holding out hope that she'll not only finish Midnight Sun but do the whole series from Eddie's perspective.
What a great picture of Chad and the Bichon. I think she found a friend!
I can't say I've been quite the speed reader you have been, but I'm making my way through New Moon and will mail it back as soon as I finish it. Jake will be at a conference for most of this week, so there's a good chance I'll be curled up on the couch reading! I mean, I have to finish it so I can concentrate fully on the spring semester, right? ;)
I think Chad should have brought the dog home. She is so cute and obviously adored him. mom
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