Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sick Voting

Although I'm home sick again and have spent most of my day here in bed, I did actually go down to our polling place to cast my vote this afternoon. I have my sticker to prove it!

Thankfully there was no line at all because our polling place is so tiny. I think I was the 292nd person to vote there at 1:30 p.m. And yes, I did go out in public looking like this, with no makeup or contacts. I know it's frightening, but I did at least shower before leaving the house!


Beth said...

How cute are you!!!!! Congrats on casting your ballot in a historic election. We didn't get a sticker b/c of the absentee voting, but it felt good to send the envelope off to Lawrence all the same.

P.S. How has the word "sick" become the newest cool adjective to use? I don't get it. I think that officially makes me old.

Anonymous said...

Whatever! You look cute as always!