Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Springy or Spastic

I'm crossing my fingers that no one had a seizure, got a migraine, or vomited when they visited my blog today. If you have no idea why my blog might be inducing nausea, I'm guessing you're reading this through a feed reader or an email subscription, in which case you should consider yourself lucky. Last night, even though I had many more important things I probably should have been doing, I got the sudden urge to update the header and colors on my blog. I'd done the same thing in the middle of winter, at which time I tried to make the color scheme reflective of the winter wonderland that was outside our house. Yesterday, I just couldn't stand that winter wonderland look a second more and had the urge to change it immediately! This new scheme might be a bit much in the way of clashing/bright colors, but I was really longing for something that reflected the upcoming season. Hopefully it looks springy and doesn't make your eyeballs spaz out. If it pains you in some way, let me know and I'll try to change it!


Tish said...

it's green so you know i love it!

cw said...

What, what happened? I went to your blog, was blinded, then passed out.

Just kidding! I like it. It makes me long for the frickin' sun!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim. I know you didn't mean any harm, but there are many folks in this world who find the use of the word spastic to be offensive. Some things never reached Salina, I realize, so just check out this link FYI...


or google it for the full picture.