Monday, November 19, 2007

Who Are You?

I may have mentioned at some point that I have one of those faces that is completely forgettable. It's kind of a running joke with Chad and I, since there were a couple of people at our old church who would regularly introduce themselves to us, even after having met us on multiple (I'm talking like at least 4) occasions. It really got to be quite comical, albeit pretty annoying since we'd gone to church there for 7 years. To be honest, it was actually a contributing factor to us looking for another church--our old one was just so big people became just (unrecognizable) faces in the crowd.

That's really beside the point. The point is that after this afternoon's Thanksgiving luncheon at the KU Alumni Association, where I spend part of my work week, I had one of those very funny "who are you?" moments. Granted, I've only worked at KU Alumni for a year, and granted, I'm only there 3 afternoons a week, but there are barely over 40 people who work at this office and there were less than 40 who actually attended the luncheon. There were 4 tables of people, with only 7-8 people at a table. You'd think you might notice someone who was sitting at the next table over, but apparently not.

So here's the story: after I finished eating lunch I headed back to my office, which happens to be right next to the stairwell to the third floor, where most of the other offices in the building are. As I was sitting at my desk working on my computer, people trailed out of the room where we ate, and many passed by my office on their way upstairs. One of my male co-workers paused at my door and said something to the effect of "Did you know we had Thanksgiving lunch today?" I paused for a second, half thinking he was joking. When I realized he was serious, I replied with, "Uh....I was there." He trailed off as he walked up the stairs, something about not knowing if I'd gotten the announcement. It was pretty awkward and very funny, but I'm so used to it I'm no longer offended. In this guy's defense, although we've been at several of the same meetings/functions, we'd never been introduced formally, so there's no reason he would find my face especially familiar. The irony is, as he was clearing his table after lunch he glanced in my direction, and I remember thinking that he looked like he'd gained some weight since his employee "mugshot" was taken. It's just funny that he seemed to look right at me and then 10 minutes later didn't remember having looked right at me! Oh well. Honestly, I'm not a person who likes to stand out in a crowd, so I guess having a forgettable face isn't really such a bad thing! :)


vwiese said...

me and you both have those forgetable faces. Wish I was more like Brett Wiese.

kjl said...

I would never have thought that about you until we kept saying hi to that very tall Jayhawk lady at the 3-Day and she kept not recognizing us! :)

Erin said...

That's funny because I actually get strangers telling me I look so familiar and I have no idea who they are. I look like a lot of people I guess.

kjl said...

Now that you mention it, Erin, I actually have met/seen lots of people who kind of remind me of you, so I can totally see that happening. Just the other day we were watching TV and we thought someone famous looked kind of like you--although I don't remember who it was!

Beth said...

Kim, you don't have a forgettable face at all!

1. You are one of the prettiest and most athletic women ever, let alone in any room at any given time.

2. You have long, gorgeously straight blonde hair. Not many people can claim that!

3. You are married to a famous country singer. You've been seen going down the red carpet a thousand times....who could forget that Versace dress at last October's premier of "So I married a Look Alike"? Stunning.

4. You are always telling great stories. How did this guy miss that?

I personally love that you were astute enough to not only recognize this guy, but also recognized the difference between his weight!!!!!! Hilarious!!!!

kjl said...

Beth, you are just too nice! :)