Sunday, May 06, 2007

Rain Out

Usually a rain out sounds like a bad thing, but I have to admit that today I'm kind of enjoying it. We had planned to get up and go to Equip (Sunday School) and the late service at church, but the thunderstorm was so severe at the time I was supposed to be getting into the shower, I decided it might be wise to refrain from getting clean, just in case the urban legends are correct and you can get struck by lightning while showering (actually, I've since read that because most houses use PVC instead of metal for plumbing, this isn't nearly as likely as it used to be). Instead of showering, I surrendered to my heathen instincts and crawled back in to bed, where we slept WAY in. While I definitely missed the worship. teaching, and fellowship at church, I have to admit that the extra sleep was really nice!

So the continuing thunderstorm has completely changed the schedule of our day. After church, I was supposed to take a shelter dog to the LHS booth at Lawrence's 46th annual Art in the Park, an event the shelter refers to as Bark in the Park. Unfortunately, Art in the Park has been canceled, which is a bummer because it's always a fun event (kind of like a mini-Smoky Hill River Festival) where the dogs get tons of exposure.

This evening we were supposed to have a co-ed softball game at 7:00, but considering that our backyard looks like a small pond and it still hasn't stopped raining, I'm guessing that all softball games will be canceled today as well. This means that I'll likely lay around in bed most of the day, reading and blogging and working on uploading the dog pictures that I took yesterday at the shelter. Listening to Hope snoring on the floor below is actually very relaxing, and combine that with the darkness filling our bedroom at the moment, I'm thinking maybe an afternoon nap might be in order as well! Hooray for rain outs! :)


The Tilted Tulip said...

sounds like a perfect day.

kjl said...

The rain started out kind of nice, but at this point, it's getting kind of ridiculous! It just won't stop raining!