She is doing really well--a little too well, in fact, as we're supposed to keep her from running, jumping and being active for the next two weeks until her stitches come out! That's going to be a big job, since today she already wanted to run when she got outside and jump onto the bed when she was inside. I can only imagine how energetic she's going to be by the end of next week!
Although she has a lot of swelling and a strangely deformed posterior, she doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain. This is likely due to the continuous feed of pain meds she's getting right now through a fentanyl patch. Apparently fentanyl a pretty heavy-duty narcotic--Wikipedia claims that it's 80 times more potent than morphine! I think that must be why Hope feels so darn good!
Much to Hope's dismay, while she's home alone she'll have to wear a new cone collar, which is unfortunately much bigger than the one she's been getting used to this last week. I hate to do it to her, but we just can't risk her licking at her incision or the fentanyl patch, which could be toxic. I'm sure Celtic will love seeing his sister as a conehead, as he was forced to endure the same humiliation back in February after his own surgery.
While the next couple of weeks may prove to be a bit of a challenge, we are definitely pleased with her progress in day 1 of the recovery!
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