Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Trip

I've failed to blog during the past week partially because we weren't actually home for much of it! For reasons that will later become clear I was unable to post about our mini-vacation before we went, but over the next few days my plan is to write several relatively small blurbs about several different portions of our trip. That will give me adequate time to edit and upload the ridiculous number of pictures that I took in a 4 day period.

Most of our good friends knew where we were going, but for the few of you who didn't we went to California for the 3rd time in 3 years. Hopefully for our next vacation we'll branch out a little more, but this year there was a particular important event (much like last year) that we didn't want to miss! Pictures to come soon!

1 comment:

Tish said...

yeah!!! can't wait!

i know the secrets...i know the secrets