So fast forward to a couple of months ago, when Theatre Lawrence announced that this season they are doing Annie, which has always been one of my favorite shows. When I was 11, I was an orphan in the Marymount College production of Annie in Salina, and that show still holds such a special place in my heart. I even made Chad and Mom see it on Broadway when we were in New York five years ago! Since I currently have no job and a super flexible schedule, this seemed like it might be the right time to try crossing this item off my bucket list. I started contemplating going to the auditions, which were last Monday and Tuesday. I had only mentioned to one friend that I was considering trying out—I didn’t even tell Chad until lunchtime on Monday. I called the theater that afternoon and got more information about the auditions, but I totally chickened out--I thought of every excuse in the book why I couldn’t go (I didn’t have the sheet music, I had a sore throat, we wanted to finish the new season of Man in the High Castle, I was SUPER nervous about singing in front of people and I probably wouldn’t make the cast anyway).
When I woke up on Tuesday I was totally annoyed with my chicken-poop self. I mean, if I was brave enough to do this for multiple musicals as a child, why was I so terrified at 40-freakin’-6? Why was I always so worried about what other people would think of me? Why did I feel like it would be the end of the world if I messed up and made a fool of myself? My fear about auditioning was so absurd I became more determined to try out just for the sake of overcoming my nerves! So Tuesday morning I walked to our piano bench and opened it up and crazily enough, found the entire book of piano accompaniment for The Sound of Music. I have no recollection as to why I own this, but since it was the first musical I was ever in, I know all the songs pretty well. I picked "My Favorite Things," found the accompaniment online (thank you, YouTube), and practiced several times for the dogs. It wasn’t a good sign that Flower ran away every time I started singing, but whatever. I went on with the rest of my day and just kept telling myself that I was not chickening out this time!

Then on Friday the cast list was posted online. I love this show so much and want to see it done well, so I immediately started Googling the people listed in the principal roles to see if I’d seen them perform before in other shows. I didn't even read the whole cast list first, because I had absolutely no expectations of seeing my name, but when I finally got to the bottom my jaw hit the floor!
You guys, I can’t even tell you how shocked and excited I am. It might be that the director has to choose a certain quota of newbies for every show, but I don’t even care. I’m going to be super busy for the next couple of months, but I’m going to have so much fun reliving my childhood!